Durham CCC (Emirates Riverside Stadium )
Project background:
The Cricket square at the riverside was suffering from very poor levels and in certain areas was below the outfield. ATB were instructed by Durham CCC to undertake a complete square reconstruct to bring the finished level above the outfield and create a positive fall in both directions. This was a design and build project working alongside the ECB. The central wicket was also dug out and anew pitch install on an aggregate sub-base.
After removing the vegetation from the surface ATB reformed the base of the square to the new required falls based on our survey analysis. Wickets 1-8 received an importation of 80mm of new loam whilst the remaining wickets received a new build up of 50mm. All levels were formed and blended in using our laser guided levelling equipment. ATB also used the Korro to plane down a ridge in the outfield to tie in the new falls with existing contours and create a positive fall for surface water away from the square.
Key Works:
- Design and build responsibilities working Along side the ECB
- Use of Korro terraplane to remove thatch layer and laser grading equipment to regrade cricket square
- Dig out of central wicket for a new deeper construct utilizing an aggregate sub-base which will be used for international cricket fixtures